Snow camping is not typically considered to be synonymous with comfort. However, with a bit of effort, extra layers and plenty of firewood, winter camping offers a slow and leisurely experience that can be more luxurious than one might expect.
At Snow Peak, we believe camping should be a year-round endeavor and that each season offers lessons – if we pay attention. The untouched expanse of snow is a timely reminder of the new year ahead, full of unexplored opportunities and chances for growth. By camping and immersing ourselves in nature, we can observe the wonders of winter, from the satisfying crunch of fresh snow to the pink glow of early sunsets. Even the sometimes-biting chill makes the fire even more inviting. Winter is a silent time when nature sleeps, and we, too, can benefit from quiet moments and a more reflective pace. In Snow Peak’s home prefecture of Niigata, winter comes in full force, bringing feet of snow and plunging temperatures. At Snow Peak’s headquarters outside of Tsubame-Sanjo, Niigata, our product designers used this unforgiving environment to test and create the tents and shelters from our Pro. Line. In this collection of editorial images, Snow Peak staff camp on the HQ1 Campfield using the Dock Dome Pro. Ivory and share the warmth of the Takibi Time in the evening.
Read more of our thoughts on embracing winter or find additional tips for snow camping. Layer up for your own adventures with pieces from the AW22 apparel collection.